Citizens Vs. Not Citizens: An Analysis of the Effects of Socio-Economic Variables on the Percent of Foreign Born Populations in the United States

What Socioeconomic Variables Account for the Variation of Percent Foreign

Born Citizen and Percent Foreign Born Not Citizen?


In order to analyze the effect of different socioeconomic variables on the percent of foreign born for both types, keeping all else constant, the following regression model was utilized:

Model 1: %foreign born = α + β %doc + β %highs + β pcinc + β emp + β farm + β manuf + β perpov +  β rec

(For explanation of variables see Appendix A)

This model was run twice; once utilizing foreign born citizens as the dependent variable, and once utilizing foreign born not citizen as a the dependent variable

The regression coefficients are the following:


If we analyze the coefficients of the statistically significant variables, we see that the coefficient magnitudes do change for citizens and for not citizens. The difference in the coefficients of the farming dummy variable stand out. While for citizens, being in a farming dependent county increases the percentage of  foreign born citizens by 0.78, for not citizens, being in a farming dependent county increases the percentage of foreign born not citizens  by 4.06. In general the variables chosen explain more of the variation of foreign born citizen (32.1%), than the variation of foreign born not citizen (31.6%) but this difference is small.